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Observatorio de soluciones basadas en la naturaleza

Red BiodivERsA

Programa de financiación / cliente: H2020 ERA-NET COFUND
Escala: Otros
Dirección web: http://www.biodiversa.org/
Retos: Otro


La investigación científica sobre biodiversidad ha demostrado que la pérdida y la degradación de los servicios de los ecosistemas se están acelerando a un ritmo sin precedentes y a escala mundial.

Estos daños afectan no solo al mundo natural sino también a la sociedad humana. Por lo tanto, es imperativo que la ciencia de la biodiversidad reciba el apoyo que necesita para ofrecer soluciones prácticas a estos grandes problemas.

BiodivERsA está respondiendo a esta necesidad mediante la construcción de una plataforma dinámica y sostenible para identificar los problemas estratégicos más acuciantes para la biodiversidad. Apoya y promueve la excelencia en la investigación de la biodiversidad que es relevante para la política y la gestión de la biodiversidad, a escala transnacional europea.


Entidades: French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (France), Austrian Science Fund (Austria), Belgian Science Policy Office (Belgium), The Fund for Scientific Research - FNRS - Wallonia-Brussels Federation (Belgium), The research Foundation - Flanders (Belgium), Bulgarian National Science Fund (Bulgaria), Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic), Innovation Fund (Denmark), Ministry of Environment and Food (Denmark), Estonian Research Council (Estonia), The Academy of Finland (Finland), French National Research Agency (France), French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (France), French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (France), New Caledonian Economic Development Agency (France - New Caledonia), Guadeloupe Region (France), French Guyana Region (France), Réunion Region (France), German aeronautics and space research centre (Germany), German Research Foundation (Germany), Ministry of Agriculture (Hungary), The Irish Environmental Protection Agency (Ireland), Ministry of Environmental Protection (Israel), The Research Council of Lithuania (Lithuania), The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (The Netherlands), The Research Council of Norway (Norway), National Science Center (Poland), Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology (Portugal), Regional Fund for Science and Technology (Portugal – Azores), The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) (Romania), The Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), Regional Government of the Canary Islands (Spain), Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Sweden), Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Sweden), Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland), Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (Turkey), Joint Nature Conservation Committee (United Kingdom), The Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (Latvia)